Forschungen und Expeditionen im Norden des Tschad, Stefan Kröpelin und Baba Mallaye während einer Pause, Explore Chad

Research in Chad

Dr. Stefan Kröpelin and Dr. Baba Mallaye

Forschungen und Expeditionen im Norden des Tschad, Geologische Untersuchungen, Stefan Kröpelin, Explore Chad

Research in Chad

With conviction and passion

Forschungen und Expeditionen im Norden des Tschad, Zusammenarbeit mit der Bevölkerung, Expeditionsteilnehmer und Bewohner beim gemeinsamen Essen, Explore Chad

Research in Chad

Working together as equals


A life of science

Stefan Kröpelin und Baba Mallaye

Weeks at a time they traverse unexplored landscapes, crossing paths with not a single other soul in sight. Help in case of an emergency, there's none. They drink water that tastes of its plastic canister and eat tinned food. During the day they trek through the heat and dust, climbing the highest mountains in the Sahara. At night they sleep under the ice-cold night skies.

This may sound like a military exercise, but no - what's going he here is scientific exploration. Researchers tirelessly and courageously pursuing a dream. The dream of a science which serves humanity, exploring and protecting our natural and cultural heritage.


On the hunt for clues to the history of humanity

Stefan Kröpelin of the University of Cologne and his chadian colleague Baba Mallaye of the Technical Committee for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention in Chad work closely together. They're investigating how the climate has changed in the Sahara over the last 130,000 years, and how humans have reacted to these changes. 

To do this they are investigating Northern Chad. Thanks to their efforts, two regions in the north have already been recognised as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. 

Join the researchers on their expeditions and experience research up close. Learn more about the breathtaking scenery of Chad, and about the dramatic history of this spectacular corner of the world. 


Dr. Stefan Kröpelin

Project leader

Collaborative Research Centre 806, "Our way to Europe", Project "Climate Archives of the Sahara", University of Cologne

Dr. Baba Mallaye

General Director

National Center for Research and Development

Former Director of the Technical Committee for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention in Chad, N‘Djaména

Contact us

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A life of science

Cooperation partners

Anne-Marie Lézine, Professorin, Direktorin LOCEAN, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (pollen analysis)

Florence Sylvestre, Dr., Research Director IRD, Co-director CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence (diatom analysis)

Christine Cocquyt, Dr., Botanical Museum of Meise, Belgium (diatom analysis)

Pierre Francus, Professor, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Québec, Canada (sedimentology)

Clive Oppenheimer, Professor, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, UK (vulcanology)

Martin Claussen, Professor, Director of the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology, University of Hamburg (climate modelling)

Peter deMenocal, Professor, Columbia University, New York (climate history)

and many others

A2 Project Climate Archives of the Sahara, Logo, Explore Chad

Project "Climate Archives of the Sahara"

Collaborative Research Centre 806

Collaborative Research Centre 806 "Our Way to Europe"

Comité technique chargé de l'exécution et de la mise en œuvre de la Convention de l'UNESCO sur le Patrimoine Mondial au Tchad

University of Cologne, Logo, Explore Chad

University of Cologne

National Center for Research and Development

Further information

Collaborative Research Centre 806 - Our Way to Europe

Stefan Kröpelin

About Tibesti


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